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Sheep Farming

Lamb Rearing FAQs

Lamb Rearing FAQs

Discover the comminly asked Lamb Rearing questions. We begin with 'how much labour can be saved by swapping from bottle feeding to ad lib feeding milk to lambs?'

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Maintain your flock's fertility

Flock Fertility

Fertility is the key driver in all flocks as the number of lambs reared will infl uence the farms profitability. Ensure both ewes and rams are in a good Body Condition Score (BCS) prior to tupping (3.5). Remember it can take up to six weeks to increase a ewes BCS by one condition score.

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Successful lambing starts at tupping


Practical management at tupping has a beneficial impact on both the profitability and practicalities at lambing. Effective and reliable marking lets you know which ewes have been tupped, by which ram and when!

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The benefits of good gut worm control

The benefits of good gut worm control

As protein demand increases worldwide, efficiency in production is crucial to meet this challenge. Internal parasites are the greatest cause of lost production in grazed ruminants, so their management and control are vital to enable sustainable production from pasture.

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The Importance of Pre-Lamb Feeding

The Importance of Pre-Lamb Feeding

Pre-season preparation is the key to minimising problems, reducing losses and achieving a higher lamb yield per ewe, which eventually will lead to improved daily liveweight gain and increased margins.

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Reducing the spring rise

Control of the spring rise using CYDECTIN® Long Acting Injection for sheep was determined to be highly effective in a recent study. The study investigated the impact of utilising persistent and non-persistent treatments to control the spring rise.

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