The extremely hot and dry weather experienced during the 2022 season, coupled with the effect of reduced fertiliser inputs on some farms have resulted in lower forage yields than would normally be expected.. Weed control in established grassland and in young grass leys should therefore be a top priority for producers in spring, to maximise forage potential.
Clearfield® is a unique system for oilseed rape that combines hybrid seed varieties and high-quality BASF herbicides for the most effective way to approach weed control in OSR.
For cost-effective weed control in root crops the emphasis must be placed on pre-emergence application of herbicides. Every year we receive a large number of calls from concerned growers who have applied no herbicide at all and who are concerned that their root crop is disappearing under a sea of weeds. By this point, it is usually too late to save the crop!
Maize is a high value cropping choice for dairy and beef producers with its high starch and fermentable energy content. However, it can be relatively costly to grow so it pays to consider all the elements required for a successful crop, ahead of planting. If you are growing maize this year careful planning is the key to ensure the best possible return on investment.